This TV series follows long-term couple Dylan and Patrick, for whom the thrill is gone though the love remains. Dylan isn't quite convinced that Patrick's suggestion of adding another guy into the mix is the right answer. That doesn't stop them, however, from pursuing some hot eligible candidates! A funny and poignant exploration of monogamy in gay relationships. Told over six sizzling episodes, the hit romantic comedy-drama series comes from Nashville-based writer-director-creator Jeff Swafford, the same guy behind the hit "Crazy All These Years". It asks the question if two gay men can be together long-term and still remain monogamous. Everyone has an opinion and if there is an answer it can be looked at in degrees. The issue that is rarely spoken about is seen on the screen. It reflects some of the challenges that many have experienced in their own relationships. Actually the series is more about non-monogamy, and the possibilities of polyamory and faces them head on. Writer-director-creator Jeff Swafford said that he wanted to tell a story that really explored what happens to a relationship when a third person is introduced. While this my sound super-serious, let me assure you that there is a lot of comedy here and an interesting exploration of monogamy in gay relationships.
Release Date
Nov 29, 2014 (TV-MA)
1 seasons | 6 episodes
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