Taviner and Hollis deal with a number of disturbances involving two local youths, but aren't lucky enough to catch either of them. Monroe organises a fund for Conway, and while Chandler makes a very charitable donation, Taviner is forced to write an IOU. With no way of contributing to the pot, Taviner believes he has hit the big time when he catches up with one of the youths and confiscates £200 from him. Managing to rescue his reputation amongst the relief, he is soon left in deep trouble as unbeknownst to him, the money is fake. Stamp and Page find a number of petrol bombs and fireworks near Simpson's bookshop, but it is Azim Khan who finds himself being arrested for stealing petrol. Meanwhile, a devastated Ackland attends Conway's funeral with Carver.
Air Date
Apr 16, 2002

Simon Rouse
Jack Meadows

Andrew Paul
Dave Quinnan

Lisa Geoghan
Polly Page

Ciarán Griffiths
Gary Best

Hywel Simons
Sgt. Craig Gilmore