Star Trek
Gene Roddenberry
Writer (14 eps)
Gene L. Coon
Writer (14 eps)
D.C. Fontana
Writer (12 eps)
John Meredyth Lucas
Writer (4 eps)
Jerome Bixby
Writer (4 eps)
Jerry Sohl
Writer (3 eps)
Robert Bloch
Writer (3 eps)
Oliver Crawford
Writer (3 eps)
David Gerrold
Writer (3 eps)
Arthur Heinemann
Writer (3 eps)
Margaret Armen
Writer (3 eps)
Paul Schneider
Writer (2 eps)
Art Wallace
Writer (2 eps)
David P. Harmon
Writer (2 eps)
Steven W. Carabatsos
Writer (2 eps)
Shimon Wincelberg
Writer (2 eps)
Jean Lisette Aroeste
Writer (2 eps)
Leroy Cronin
Writer (2 eps)
Don Ingalls
Writer (2 eps)
Theodore Sturgeon
Writer (2 eps)
Chet Richards
Writer (1 eps)
John D. F. Black
Writer (1 eps)
Stephen Kandel
Writer (1 eps)
Carey Wilber
Writer (1 eps)
Barry Trivers
Writer (1 eps)
Harlan Ellison
Writer (1 eps)
Stanley Adams
Writer (1 eps)
Shari Lewis
Writer (1 eps)
John Kneubuhl
Writer (1 eps)
Joyce Muskat
Writer (1 eps)
George F. Slavin
Writer (1 eps)
George Clayton Johnson
Writer (1 eps)
John T. Dugan
Writer (1 eps)
Meyer Dolinsky
Writer (1 eps)
Robert Sabaroff
Writer (1 eps)
Laurence N. Wolfe
Writer (1 eps)
Lee Erwin
Writer (1 eps)
Don Mankiewicz
Writer (1 eps)
Jeremy Tarcher
Writer (1 eps)
Robert Hamner
Writer (1 eps)
Arthur Singer
Writer (1 eps)
Richard Matheson
Writer (1 eps)
Fredric Brown
Writer (1 eps)
Gilbert Ralston
Writer (1 eps)
Adrian Spies
Writer (1 eps)
Samuel A. Peeples
Writer (1 eps)
Boris Sobelman
Writer (1 eps)
Rik Vollaerts
Writer (1 eps)
Max Simon Ehrlich
Writer (1 eps)
Edward J. Lakso
Writer (1 eps)
Judy Burns
Writer (1 eps)
Norman Spinrad
Writer (1 eps)
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