He's everyone's favorite action hero... but he's a hero with a difference. Angus MacGyver is a secret agent whose wits are his deadliest weapon. Armed with only a knapsack filled with everyday items he picks up along the way, he improvises his way out of every peril the bad guys throw at him. Making a bomb out of chewing gum? Fixing a speeding car's breaks... while he's riding in it? Using soda pop to cook up tear gas? That's all in a day's adventures for MacGyver. He's part Boy Scout, part genius. And all hero.
Release Date
Sep 29, 1985 (TV-PG)
7 seasons | 139 episodes
Richard Dean Anderson
Angus MacGyver
Dana Elcar
Pete Thornton
Bruce McGill
Jack Dalton
Elyssa Davalos
Nikki Carpenter
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