Alice Archambeau
96 y.o. (born May 12, 1916, died Jan 1, 2013)
Maria Alice Carneiro, known in artistic life as Alice Archambeau, was born in the city of Porto, Portugal, on May 12, 1916. Alice Archambeau began her career as a reciter and later became an actress. In 1941, it was registered by DOPS/PE. At that time, Alice Archambeau was part of the Companhia de Comédias Delorges Caminha, playing at the Teatro de Santa Isabel. His repertoire included the plays “Iaiá Boneca”, by Ernani Fornari, which premiered in Recife on May 8, 1941, and “Pertinho do Céu”, by Mário Lago and José Vanderley.
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