Vom Geben und Nehmen - Der Usedom-Krimi
1h 30m
After her divorce from local politician Victor Braydon, Simone Eggebrecht finds stability in her work with the disabled and in her friendship with Wiebke Siehl, who is paralyzed. Simone's plan to build a hotel for the handicapped in a prime location is torpedoed by anonymous acts of sabotage. She hires Patrick Horn as a security guard. When the young man disappears, Simone blames her ex-husband and his party colleague Enno Littmann and involves Commissioner Ellen Norgaard and her colleague Rainer Witt in their War of the Roses.
Katrin Sass
Karin Lossow
Rikke Lylloff
Ellen Norgaard
Max Hopp
Dr. Brunner
Merab Ninidze
Lucjan Gadocha
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