Chris Broxson
Self - Black Team Production Manager
Patrick J. Burke
Self - Host
Sophia Cacciola
Self - Red Team Production Manager
Mac Capen
Self - Blue Team Captain
Adam Carbone
Self - Black Team Captain
Michael Cormier
Self - Judge
Chris Crockett-Sears
Self - Green Team Actor
Molly Devon
Self - Red Team Actor
The Dicksta
Self - Black Team Actor
Paul Dionne
Self - Green Team Actor
Dennis Donovan
Self - Production Manager
Michael J. Epstein
Self - Red Team Captain
Joseph Kowan
Self - Red Team Cinematographer
Bill Lafferty
Self - Black Team Writer
Samantha Laney
Self - Green Team Actor
Nora Lawrence
Self - Black Team Actor
Brian Paradis
Self - Green Team Camera Operator
Megan Murphy
Self - Blue Team Production Manager
Matt Rindini
Self - Blue Team Camera Operator
Mark Resnik
Self - Judge
Mike Shanahan
Self - Blue Team Writer
John Walsh
Self - Red Team Production Assistant
Daniel St-Germain
Self - Red Team Editor
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