The Trial of the Chicago 7
2h 10m
Oscars - 2021
6 Nominations · 0 Wins
Best Motion Picture of the Year
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Best Original Screenplay
Best Achievement in Cinematography
Best Achievement in Film Editing
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Song)
BAFTA - 2021
3 Nominations · 0 Wins
Best Screenplay (Original)
Best Editing
Golden Globes - 2021
5 Nominations · 1 Wins
Best Motion Picture, Drama
Best Director, Motion Picture
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Best Original Song - Motion Picture
Directors Guild of America - 2021
1 Nominations · 0 Wins
Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Theatrical Feature Film
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