The Secret Seven
1h 02m
Bruce Bennett
Patrick Norris
Florence Rice
Lola Hobbs
Barton MacLane
Sam O'Donnell
Joe Downing
Lou Boyd
Joseph Crehan
Police Chief Hobbs
Howard Hickman
Dr. Talbot
Edward Van Sloan
Prof. Holtz
P.J. Kelly
Prof. Cordet
Don Beddoe
Maj. Blaine
William Forrest
Mr. Brooks
Danton Ferrero
Mr. DeSoto
George Anderson
Detective Bennett
Duke York
Joe Carpa
Eddie Laughton
Henchman Bishop
George Magrill
Henchman Scarlatti
Cy Schindell
Henchman Felton
Sam Ash
Walter A. Adams, gang accountant
John Dilson
Walter W. Carter
George McKay
Bill "Goldy" Golden
Jessie Perry
Mom Norris
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