The Scarlet and the Black
2h 23m
Gregory Peck
Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty
Christopher Plummer
Col. Herbert Kappler
John Gielgud
Pope Pius XII
Raf Vallone
Father Vittorio
Kenneth Colley
Capt. Hirsch
Walter Gotell
Gen. Max Helm
Barbara Bouchet
Minna Kappler
Olga Karlatos
Francesca Lombardo
Julian Holloway
Alfred West
Angelo Infanti
Father Morosini
Michael Byrne
Reinhard Beck
Vernon Dobtcheff
Count Langenthal
John Terry
Lt. Jack Manning
Peter Burton
Sir D'Arcy Osborne
Fabiana Udenio
Guila Lombardo
Phillip Hatton
Lt. Harry Barnett
Marne Maitland
Papal Secretary
Remo Remotti
Rabbi Leoni
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