The Riddle of the Stinson
1h 40m
Jack Thompson
Bernard O'Reilly
Norman Kaye
Joseph Binstead
Richard Roxburgh
John Proud
Huw Williams
James Westray
Susan Lyons
Jean Batten
Mark Lee
Bert Shepherd
Frank Wilson
G. A. Robinson
John Allen
Claude Smyth
Barry Hill
Edgar Johnson
Russell Newman
Rolly Graham
Len Kaserman
Bill Fountain
Dennis Miller
Rex Boyden
Helen O'Connor
Viona O'Reilly
Esben Storm
Harry Meissner
Louise Pajo
Smyth's Secretary
Mary Haire
Rose O'Reilly
Don Reid
Dr. Lawlor
Kendall Monaghan
Rhelma O'Reilly
Susan Gorence
Mrs Fountain
Mic Conway
Binstead's Assoc.
Igor Sas
Batten's Co-Pilot
Lynette Haddrick
Grace (Telephonist)
Alfred Bell
Rob Stephens
Laurie Neilson
Mrs Stephens
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