Terror in the Wax Museum
1h 33m
Ray Milland
Harry Flexner
Elsa Lanchester
Julia Hawthorn
Maurice Evans
Inspector Daniels
John Carradine
Claude Dupree
Lisa Lu
Madame Yang
Mark Edwards
Sergeant Michael Hawks
Louis Hayward
Tim Fowley
Patric Knowles
Mr. Southcott
Nicole Shelby
Margaret Collins
Shani Wallis
Laurie Mell
Ben Wright
First Constable
Mathilda Calnan
First Charwoman
Peggy Stewart
Second Charwoman
Leslie Thompson
Constable Parker
Don Herbert
Jack the Ripper Wax Figure
Judy Wetmore
Lizzie Borden Wax Figure
Jo Williamson
Mrs. Borden Wax Figure
George Farina
Bluebeard Wax Figure
Diane Wahrman
Girl in Red Wax Figure
Rosa Huerta
Lucretia Borgia Wax Figure
Ben Brown
Attila the Hun Wax Figure
Rickie Weir
Marie Antoinette Wax Figure
Paul Wilson
Ivan the Terrible Wax Figure
Ralph Cunningham
Willie Grossman Wax Figure
Don Williamson
Constable Henry Bolt Wax Figure
Evelyn Reynolds
Flower Woman Wax Figure
Sandy Helberg
Newsboy (Uncredited)
Max Wagner
Music Hall Drunk (Uncredited)
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