Shadow of the Thin Man
1h 37m
William Powell
Nick Charles
Myrna Loy
Nora Charles
Barry Nelson
Paul Clarke
Donna Reed
Molly Ford
Sam Levene
Lieutenant Abrams
Alan Baxter
'Whitey' Barrow
Henry O'Neill
Major Jason I. Sculley
Richard Hall
Nick Charles, Jr.
Stella Adler
Claire Porter
Loring Smith
'Link' Stephens
Joseph Anthony
Fred Macy
Lou Lubin
'Rainbow' Benny Loomis
Oliver Blake
Lawyer Fenster
Adeline DeWalt Reynolds
Barrows' Landlady (uncredited)
George Lloyd
Pipey (uncredited)
Sid Melton
Fingers (uncredited)
Jody Gilbert
Lana Webb (uncredited)
Tor Johnson
"The Irish Thrush", a wrestler (uncredited)
The Cardiff Giant
Bearded Wrestler (uncredited)
Ava Gardner
Passerby at Racetrack (uncredited)
John George
Wrestling Match Spectator (uncredited)
Aldrich Bowker
Watchman (uncredited)
Al Bain
Wrestling Match Spectator (uncredited)
Arthur Aylesworth
Second Coroner (uncredited)
Tom Coleman
Cop (uncredited)
Joe Devlin
Mug Starting Fight at Wrestling Match (uncredited)
Fred Graham
Waiter with Steak (uncredited)
Herschel Graham
Wrestling Match Spectator (uncredited)
Joey Ray
Stephens' Clerk (uncredited)
Ray Teal
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Will Wright
Maguire - Nervous Ticket Seller (uncredited)
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