Senior Year
1h 36m
LJ Moreno
Ms. Betty
Che Ramos
Ms. Joan
Ramon Bautista
Sir Lance
RJ Ledesma
Henry Dalmacio (Adult)
Dimples Romana
Sofia Marasigan (Adult)
Arnold Reyes
Carlo Larada (Adult)
Ina Feleo
Mitch Veloso (Adult)
Moises Magisa
Steph's Dad
Madeleine Nicolas
Sofia's Lola
Dolly de Leon
Bunda's Mother
Archie Adamos
Bunda's Dad
Aaron Balana
Henry Dalmacio
Rossanne de Boda
Sofia Marasigan
Celina Peñaflorida
Mitch Veloso
Eric Marquez
Chito Marquez
Frances Bunda
Jackie Bunda
Sheila Bulanhagui
Stephanie Evangelista
Daniel Medrana
Carlo Larada
Victor Medina
Ian (The Bully)
Daniel Lumain
Briggs de Mesa
Mary Loto
Bridget Escueta
Nikita Conwi
Solenn Vergara
Angeli Bayani
Ms. Salva
Bernard Laxa
Mitch's Dad
Kalila Aguilos
Solenn Vergara (Adult)
Anthony Costales
Briggs de Mesa (Adult)
Ditas Protacio
Physics Teacher
Ivan Magadia
Geography Teacher
Bani Baldiserri
Ms. Betty's Fiancé
Chrome Cosio
Theater Group Director
Eunice Ablola
"I Passed La Salle!" Girl
Kimberly Lynch
Kim Magsino
Janeane Santos
Anthem Girl
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