Samurai Sentai Shinkenger the Movie: The Fateful War
Taking place in between Shinkenger Acts 22 and 23, the Shinkengers battle the newly revived Kusare Gedoushu Aburame Manpuku and his army for three days. The wounded and tired Shinkengers nearly lose, had the Kusare Gedoushu not needed to regain energy by soaking in the Sanzu River. As their wounds are treated, Jii reveals they he has found the Secret Disk used by the first Shinken Red to seal Manpuku at the Genryu Temple, which lies in the middle of Kusare Gedoushu territory.
Tori Matsuzaka
Takeru Shiba / Shinken Red
Hiroki Aiba
Ryûnosuke Ikenami / Shinken Blue
Rin Takanashi
Mako Shiraishi / Shinken Pink
Shôgo Suzuki
Chiaki Tani / Shinken Green
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