Pretty Cure All Stars DX3: Deliver the Future! The Rainbow-Colored Flower That Connects the World
1h 10m
Precure All Stars Movie DX3: Deliver The Future! The Rainbow-Colored Flower That Connects The World is the third movie in the series, released on March 19, 2011, starring all the Cures from the previous series, including those introduced in Suite PreCure, as well as various villains featured in previous Pretty Cure movies. The theatrical release was edited in parts as a result of the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami which occurred before the movie was due to be released.
Ami Koshimizu
Hibiki Hojo / Cure Melody (voice)
Fumiko Orikasa
Kanade Minamino / Cure Rhythm (voice)
Nana Mizuki
Tsubomi Hanasaki / Cure Blossom (voice)
Fumie Mizusawa
Erika Kurumi / Cure Marine (voice)
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