Mrs. Doubtfire
2h 05m
Robin Williams
Daniel Hillard / Mrs. Doubtfire
Sally Field
Miranda Hillard
Lisa Jakub
Lydia Hillard
Matthew Lawrence
Chris Hillard
Mara Wilson
Natalie Hillard
Robert Prosky
Mr. Lundy
Anne Haney
Mrs. Sellner
Sydney Walker
Bus Driver
Joe Bellan
TV Boss
Martin Mull
Justin Gregory
Terence McGovern
ADR Director Lou
Karen Kahn
Female Employee #1
Eva Gholson
Female Employee #2
James Cunningham
Male Employee
Juliette Marshall
Miranda's Attorney
Drew Letchworth
Daniel's Attorney
Jessica Myerson
Miranda's Mother
Kenneth Loo
Staring Boy #1
Jeff Loo
Staring Boy #2
Betsy Monroe
Stunning Woman
Joseph Narducci
Delivery Boy
Dr. Toad
Adele Proom
Lundy's Secretary
Rick Overton
Maitre D'
Paul Guilfoyle
Head Chef
Molly McClure
Woman Housekeeper
Andy Prosky
TV Director
William Newman
Mr. Sprinkles
Geoff Bolt
Lundy's Waiter
Dick Bright
Stu's Waiter
Adam Bryant
Man in Men's Room
Tavia Cathcart
Tanya the Hostess
Jeff Moeller
Valet #2
Benne Alder
Woman in Restroom
Smadar Hanson
Waitress (uncredited)
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