King of Thieves
1h 48m
Michael Caine
Brian Reader
Jim Broadbent
Terry Perkins
Tom Courtenay
Kenny Collins
Paul Whitehouse
Carl Wood
Michael Gambon
Billy 'The Fish' Lincoln
Ray Winstone
Danny Jones
Francesca Annis
Lyn Reader
Olivia Le Andersen
Marylebone Waitress
Anna Elijasz
The King's Arms Waitress
Ben Willbond
Building Society Branch Manager
Paula Bacon
Woman at Wake
Matt Bardock
Detective Inspector Johnson
Claire Lichie
Detective Sergeant Day
Tim Bruce
News Reporter
Josephine Butler
Chic Woman
Ann Akinjirin
Detective Constable Amy
Tim Lewis
Field Officer Ross
Iris Lacey
Perkins' Granddaughter
Adam Leese
Frankie the Fence
Jamie Martin
Surveillance Officer
Nell Hewtson
Restaurant Surveillance Officer
Martha Howe-Douglas
Female Lip Reader
Kellie Shirley
Terri Robinson
Avinashi Sharma
Guest at the Wake
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