Hell's Kitchen
1h 21m
Margaret Lindsay
Beth Avery
Ronald Reagan
Jim Donahue
Stanley Fields
Buck Caesar
Billy Halop
Tony Marco
Bobby Jordan
Joel "Joey" Richards
Leo Gorcey
Gyp Haller
Grant Mitchell
Hiram Krispan
Frederic Tozere
Mike Garvey
Arthur Loft
Elmer Krispan
Vera Lewis
Sarah Krispan
Charley Foy
Clem Bevans
Mr. Quill
Ila Rhodes
Joe Devlin
Nails - a Henchman (uncredited)
Jack Gardner
Henchman (uncredited)
Sol Gorss
Sweet Al - a Henchman (uncredited)
Max Hoffman Jr.
Gladstone Coach (uncredited)
Stuart Holmes
Man in Judge's Hockey Game Box (uncredited)
Jack Kenney
Pants - a Henchman (uncredited)
Reid Kilpatrick
Radio Announcer at Hockey Game (uncredited)
Al Lloyd
Extra at Hockey Game (uncredited)
Jimmie Lucas
Roll Mop (uncredited)
Jack Mower
Detective Escort (uncredited)
Louis Natheaux
Man in Nick's Office (uncredited)
George Noisom
George Norris - Witness at Trial (uncredited)
Larry Nunn
One of the Young Boys (uncredited)
George O'Hanlon
Usher (uncredited)
George Offerman, Jr.
Jury Foreman (uncredited)
Lee Phelps
Bailiff (uncredited)
Dick Rich
Guard (uncredited)
Ruth Robinson
Margaret Chandler (uncredited)
Cliff Saum
Guard (uncredited)
Ernie Stanton
Nick (uncredited)
Charles Sullivan
Henchman (uncredited)
Lottie Williams
Mrs. Williams (uncredited)
Tom Wilson
Guard (uncredited)
Jack Wise
Man in Line (uncredited)
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