Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2h 41m
Wizard Duel: Draco Malfoy vs Harry Potter
Gilderoy Lockhart Loses His Memory
Gilderoy Lockhart
Battle of the Seekers
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets in 5 Minutes
Cornish Pixies
Dobby is a Free Elf
The Flying Ford
Tom Riddle introduces himself to Harry Potter
Moaning Myrtle
Ron receives a Howler
Follow the Spiders
Mandrake Potting
Polyjuice Potion
Kids React to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
HBO First Look
Into the Chamber | Harry Potter Magical Movie Moments
Wizard Duel: Severus Snape vs Gilderoy Lockhart
Ron's Slug Spell Backfires
Official Trailer
Harry battles the Basilisk
Dobby the House-Elf
Original 2002 Theatrical Trailer
A Magical Escape
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Other Videos
Wizard Duel: Draco Malfoy vs Harry Potter
Gilderoy Lockhart Loses His Memory
Gilderoy Lockhart
Battle of the Seekers
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets in 5 Minutes
Cornish Pixies
Dobby is a Free Elf
The Flying Ford
Tom Riddle introduces himself to Harry Potter
Moaning Myrtle
Ron receives a Howler
Follow the Spiders
Mandrake Potting
Polyjuice Potion
Kids React to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
HBO First Look
Into the Chamber | Harry Potter Magical Movie Moments
Wizard Duel: Severus Snape vs Gilderoy Lockhart
Ron's Slug Spell Backfires
Harry battles the Basilisk
Dobby the House-Elf
A Magical Escape
Full Movie Preview
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