De Perto Ela Não é Normal
1h 30m
The fun and inspiring journey of a woman, from her 8 to 40 years of age, in search of herself and her own pursuit of happiness. When pressured by her family and society, Suzi becomes different from the sensitive girl she once was. Throughout the years, she interacts with different contemporary feminine archetypes: the married woman, the woman who has attitude, the intelligent woman, the successful woman, the depressed woman, the enlightened woman and the desperate woman. Until she meets with her aunt Suely, the free woman, who makes her revisit her story and connect with her past. Suzi stops living in a way to make others happy and goes back to being her own self. A delicate comedy about a woman, who gets tired of corresponding to others 'expectations and goes after fulfillment in her own terms.
Suzana Pires
Suzie / Neide / Tia Suely
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