Season 1
Episode 10 - 4W10
Air Date: Jun 21, 1987
ARIEL'S COMEBACK; Ariel Faber (Tracey Ullman), an anorexic, formerly bisexual folk singer and ex-junkie, tries a comeback into the public eye and captures the attention of Duane Mason (Sam McMurray), a fireman who proposes marriage in exchange for her to give up her singing career. DANCE CHALLENGE; On a sing-and-dance contest show, the flashy Latino dancer Blanca Valaday (Tracey Ullman), faces a real challenge when she tries to do her dance routine knowing that she is not wearing underwear under her dress. SIR; A callous Englishwoman (Tracey Ullman) tries to become friendly with her long-time restaurant waiter (Dan Castellaneta) during his last day on the job. THE PACIFIER; Bart and Lisa try to make Maggie stop sucking her pacifier, but they can't take it away (she has a drawer full of them), can't play ""keep away"" with it (she bites Bart), and can't even put hot sauce on it (Maggie just adds more).
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