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Season 1
Episode 32 - Bahamas (5)
Air Date: Jan 25, 2000
Surf & Turf round: Surf: Dog and Pony Pool Show--A relay race in the pool. First player transports beach balls to player 2, who must dive through three hoops with a beach ball. The ball is then given to player 3 who takes it via a float across the rest of the pool to the finish line. Increasingly large beach balls are used as the game goes on, and the last one proves just about impossible to manage. A highlight (?) of the round is Scott almost losing his trunks. Turf: Balloon Busting Death Battle--""Life forces"" (balloons) are attached to players' ankles. Opponents try to stomp on and burst the other team's balloons. The last player with balloons remaining wins for the team. The action is maniacal, with Judson and Scott locked into a battle to the finish. Judson and Donn have balloons remaining for the victorious Red team. Sightseeing Scavenger Hunt: 1. Translate hieroglyphics explaining the origin of Art Mann--Huh? 2. Get a tourist to interpret the thoughts of a grouper--What?
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