Search Party
Season 1
Episode 30 - Cancun (5)
Air Date: Jan 18, 2000
Surf & Turf round: Surf: Duck Soup--One player per team collects floating plastic ducks in the pool, using only his/her mouth. They are brought to player 2 and deposited in a bucket. Player 3 plays defense with a super-soaker. Red takes an early lead and holds off a Blue charge to win 9-7. Turf: Fruit Flipper Flip-Off--Player 1 flips fruit off of the swim fins he's wearing to player 2, who catches it in a bucket on her head! It's taken to player 3 who stomps on it to produce juice. The teams perform this not-so-easy task relatively well. Not much juice is made, though. Art declares Red the winner. Scavenger hunt: Task 1: Make an offering to a Mayan god--Mayan souvenirs are easily found, and the guys on the Red team say they're going to offer up a virgin--Carol! She looks surprised--and dubious. 2. Find a sequined sombrero and do a hat dance to the tune of ""Three Blind Mice""--Even though Blue does it in an alleged ""Motown"" style, the music is pretty lame on both sides, which i
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