Season 1
Episode 12 - Episode 12
Air Date: Mar 23, 2010
YUK plays tricks on HEUNG and people misconceives that HEUNG is an immoral woman. They try to parade HEUNG through the streets for this. FU makes complaint to LING and he resigns from his post. YUK and LING quarrel with each other madly. LING slaps YUK on her face and YUK runs away from home angrily. LING is very nervous and he asks people to search for YUK in different places. YUK's maid HAU LIN reveals YUK's story to FU and the others. YUK's mother committed suicide because LING misconceived that she had committed adultery with a scholar recruited by LING. YUK started to hate every scholar since then. LING is ashamed of himself so he spoiled YUK all the time. FU and the others try to look for YUK at her mother's hometown in Jiangxi. YUK has used up all her money there. Madam LUNG cheats her home and forces YUK to marry her mentally ill grandson. During their wedding ceremony, FU and the others arrive……
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