We all love to make interesting lists for movies and tv shows to keep track or share it with friends. Or just view each other's lists to find new titles to watch. I'm really excited to share big additions that are done to make lists more exciting and powerful to use!
Track Lists
Now you can find how many movies or tv shows you have watched in a given list on Flickfocus - your own list or anyone else's. You just have to navigate to that list page and you will see a list of movies on the right side of the page that you have watched along with your average rating. There is also a progress bar in % that will grow from 0 to 100 as you watch more movies/tv shows in that list.
Follow Lists
If you find a list from other user interesting and want to watch movies or tv shows in it, you can follow that list and it will appear on your "Lists" page. So the next time you want to track that list, you can view the list directly from "Lists" page instead of finding that list again. No lists will be lost in that way!
Like Lists
If you find a list helpful or interesting you can like it to show appreciation to the author of that list. Most liked lists will appear on the home page!
Share Lists
Now you can share any list with your friends via "share button" on its page.
Thanks for your support. I hope you like the update. Share your feedback at [email protected].