Changes to stats for top rated directors and actors
An overview of the changes and how you can customize it

Earlier, you needed to rate at least 3 movies for an actor or director for them to appear in the stats on your profile page. This could change to 4 or 5 automatically if you rate a high number of movies. Doing this caused unpredictability for some users, whose stats changed significantly.

So from now on, we won't automatically change the minimum number of movies required for an actor or director to appear on your profile page. Instead, it's set by default at 3. Additionally, I have added customization in settings for you to change this to 4 or 5 or anything else that's more accurate for you specifically. Find the relevant settings in Settings > Advanced.

I expect a vast majority of users won't be affected, and 3 movies should be suitable for them.

Thanks for using FlickFocus! I hope this update gives you control over your stats.

Mayank Jani


Posted on Wednesday, 15th November 2023
Movies, TV Shows & other metadata from the wonderful & amazing TMDb.